Objective Caml bindings are in the cairo-ocaml module of the git repository.
The following backends are supported:
There are also bindings for the SVG renderer libsvg-cairo.
Version 1.0.0 of cairo-ocaml targets the 1.0.x releases of Cairo. It has tag cairo-ocaml-1.0.0 in the git repository.
The head of the repository requires Cairo >= 1.2.x.
See the modules signatures in ocamldoc format.
A very simple example
This is a simple example, (ported from a pycairo example):
let width = 400
let height = 400
let main =
(* Setup Cairo *)
let surface = Cairo.image_surface_create Cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32 ~width ~height in
let ctx = Cairo.create surface in
(* Set thickness of brush *)
Cairo.set_line_width ctx 15. ;
(* Draw out the triangle using absolute coordinates *)
Cairo.move_to ctx 200. 100. ;
Cairo.line_to ctx 300. 300. ;
Cairo.rel_line_to ctx (-200.) 0. ;
Cairo.close_path ctx ;
(* Apply the ink *)
Cairo.stroke ctx ;
(* Output a PNG file *)
Cairo_png.surface_write_to_file surface "triangle.png"